Archive for the 'ICN' Category


谁知女人心 记ICN—Chinese Drama

Written by Yuan Xuting

Edited by Mao Yinan

KE VII Hall Chinese Drama Team 为 ICN 排了一出新剧——《谁知女人心》。 短短的几幕剧,因为题材的创意,演员表演的出彩,而获得好评不断。












ICN 表演的成功,并未让所有的工作组人员们松懈下来。相反的,他们又开始忙碌地准备着下一场更大型的表演了。让我们期待他们更为精彩的表演,更为丝丝入扣的剧情吧。


ICN 一个精彩的夜晚

Written by: Shi Yangyang

Edited by: Mao Yinan

为了增进Keviians间的友谊,丰富Keviians的生活,为keviians提供一个展示自己舞台魅力的平台,更为了让keviians更好的享受在King Edward VII hall的生活,culture committee 特别组织了一场精彩的表演,创造了一个美好的夜晚——internal culture night。

晚上7点半,伴随着主持人的出现与宣告,King Edward Vii Hall一年一度的Internal culture night正式开始了。男主持人一身白色衬衣加黑色西裤的帅气打扮,伴着一身黑色紧身裙的性感女主持人,给这个夜晚增彩不少。


第一个节目是心瑶的歌曲表演。心瑶是本hall的一个原创歌曲社团。这次ICN则是搬上了去年的原创歌曲—— 街角。演唱者把失恋了以后的女主角心中的悲伤绝望化作歌曲中的跌宕起伏,一曲歌曲过后,仍久久沉浸其中,不能忘怀。


8点,A cappella表演,一轮或清新或雄壮的歌曲轰炸以后,主持人介绍了一个摇滚男生——Ryan Sleeper!!!!帅气的摇滚男生,乍一看,可能你会觉得他只是个普通的对音乐有点研究的男生,实则不然。 在现场,他的口技实在让人赞不绝口。以前只是从书里看过类似的描写,今日现场得以观看,实在叹为观止。一会好像是打鼓的声音,一下又夹杂些许吉他,堪比专业的机器配音。厉害啊!不仅如此,Ryan Sleeper轻松随意的台风加上幽默亲切的话语,更是迎来台下阵阵尖叫。以后若是那次表演临时找不到器材,或许可以请Ryan Sleeper帮忙。有如此优秀的配音加上轻松幽默的台风,演出一定会比之前更成功!King Edward VII Hall真是藏龙卧虎啊!

Ryan Sleeper!!!

时间总是过得飞快。一转眼都已经快接近尾声。马上就到我们今年的压轴节目:武术。首先是一段宣传片。虽然宣传片只截取了由李连杰饰演的成真的一个片段,但其中的武打场面已足以让人兴奋。紧接着,KE 武术队向我们展示了他们精湛的武艺。首先是4个拿着长棍的高个男生为我们展示了他们精湛的棍棒武艺,那长长的棍棒在他们手上是那么的有力,打在地上发出巨大的响声。于此同时,当他们挥舞着他们的武器时,虽然他们只有4个人,但还是可以听到他们练武时“喝”的一声,强壮而有力。据说比武时,这声喝有吓退敌人的功效。






3个小时是短暂的,10点伴随着最后一个表演的结束,开始谢幕。今年的ICN到这里已经圆满结束了。Keviians, 让我们对这些天来为ICN操劳的head,culture committee的成员们真诚地说声谢谢吧!希望大家今天晚上有个愉快的夜晚!



Internal Cultural Night (ICN)

Written by: Gavin Cheah
Edited by: Adriel Leong
Photos by: Sheng Jie

Internal Cultural Night (ICN) held on the 21st of October 2010 was yet another resounding success, showcasing the many different cultural talents in hall. Themed “Emotions”, the event certainly did not fail to feature the entire spectrum of human emotion, even “suppressed” ones.

Walking into the Comm Hall, one could not help but notice the many emoticons on the floor with different expressions, certainly reflecting the wide array of emotions that the audience were about to be bombarded with as the evening progressed.

Continue reading ‘Internal Cultural Night (ICN)’


An Interview with Mi Chelle :)

Mi Chelle is the One in Pink!

Mi Chelle is the One in Pink! (ICN 2007)

Foo Mi Chelle – a former KEVIIan, Pharmacy graduate and an illustrious dancer – was one of the DansDemonz dancers who performed during ICN 2008. KE Press was intrigued and we’ve managed to get 15 minutes of her time for a brief interview!

1. An introduction about yourself? :)

My name is Foo Mi Chelle. Yes, it is separately that way. No it is not joined together. It is an English cum Chinese name, special eh? Haha. Anyway, I was in Pharmacy while I was in NUS, graduated July 2008. I am an avid AB blocker. My last 2 years were spent in room B309. It’s a quiet, peaceful place and I love it! Currently, I am completing my 9-month pre-registration pharmacy training at National University Hospital.

2. What are you participating in for KE right now and why?

I am currently dancing with Dansdemonz. Why? I would say, why not? I have been dancing with them for 4.5 years now, and it has been a great experience for me. In my 2nd year, I was dance head. I had the opportunity to play a lead role as Juliet in my 1st year, and another lead year in my 4th year. Thanks to Fen, the super alumni really :) Anyway, Dansdemonz during work life is the best place to let out some steam, to do something different from work, to interact with the ever-bubbly and fun dancers. Working makes me miss things that you would never have thought you would miss during uni days. So treasure it!

... when Mi Chells was cast as Juliet opposite Fen.

ICN 2004: ... when Mi Chelle was cast as Juliet opposite Fen. (Trivia: Banner says October 22nd 2004)

3. Wow, you’ve really been active in Dansdemonz! Apart from dancing, what do you miss most about KE?

The sincerity of people, feeling like we’re one big family, the dance room! :D

4. Mind sharing with us your Top 3 Favourite Dinner Specials?

Oh, that’s a hard one. Can I choose from breakfast instead? The Hara Lotus bao, waffles and tea!

ICN 2006

ICN 2006

5. What about your favourite CCAs and Block?

Dansdemonz, Float Dance, Hallplay, Band. Block B!

6. Ooh, anyway what do you hope KE will be like in the near future? Any improvements you would like to see?

Escalators from the bus terminal. And lifts in blocks! I mean, seriously, those stairs are ridiculous especially when hallmates are injured (which happened to me in my 1st year), climbing those stairs are a pain!

Performing in ICN 2007

Performing in ICN 2007

7. Haha we hope that will be a reality one day! Last question, any words of advice for current KEVIIans?

Make as many friends as you can. Keep as many as you can. When you start working, things are not as straight-forward. You don’t know who you can trust. Find a gf/bf. Learn as many skills as you can, including languages, because you sure will NOT have as much time to do so when you’re out working.

Thank you Mi Chelle! We hope that you’ll be successful in all your future endeavours and we’ll see you around in Hall soon? :) Thank you again for performing during ICN!

And of course, ICN 2008!

And of course, ICN 2008!


ICN: Behind the Scenes

All Photos Courtesy Of KE Vision (also known as KE PhotoComm).
Photos can be found here: ICN 2008

Photographers: Ada, Cao Ying & Wen Qing


Internal Cultural Night

Author: Ashish Rudola
Edited by: Chan Yu Kit

The ICN (Internal Cultural Night) was held on 16th October, 2008. For those of you who do not know what ICN is, it is all about showcasing the myriad of fascinating cultural activities that form an essential part of KE Hall.  As such, one can witness diverse performances ranging from hip hop dance to classical Chinese song writing to breath-taking feats of martial arts, all in one night!

The event started at 8.20pm, only 10 minutes late, which could be a record of sorts! The emcees for the evening were Jene and Jiayan who were both very entertaining with their quirky sense of humour. The event started with two beautiful A Cappella songs; the first in Chinese and the second in Malay. Then, the F Block Resident Fellow (RF), Prof Seow Teck Keong, took the stage and gave a short speech. This was followed by a hip-hop dance section which consisted of 3 different dances. The dances were quite a sight and one could almost feel the temperature in the room rising! One spectator (who shall remain anonymous) could not stop saying “Oh my god!” and “Damn!!” under his breath.

The Chinese drama was next up at 8 45pm. Although some of the people could not understand Chinese, it was still pretty clear what the storyline was: a SEP student goes to China, falls for a girl and ultimately confesses his love for her. The play was hilarious and huge outbursts of laughter from all sections of the crowd were routine. This was followed by two songs from Xinyao, our Chinese song writers, accompanied by a piano. They composed 5 original songs specially for the evening, three of which they sung after the intermission. The first was called “Cloud” and the second “Red Saga Seeds”.

ELnD (English Literature and Drama) followed after Xinyao. They presented their item in a new format; a series of still pictures with the actors’ voices in the background. However, many people had already started to make a beeline toward the food and refreshments area. Compounded to this problem was the sound system, which made it quite hard to decipher what was being said. A 10 minute intermission was next.

The second half of the ICN started with one of the most eagerly anticipated acts. The KE Band performed three songs: ‘Cryin” by Aerosmith, ‘Always be my baby’ by David Cook and ‘Outside’ by Stained. As expected, the performances rocked and had the audience whipping out their cell phones and waving them in the air. This was followed by a dance, with a German song as the accompanying tune. The guys and girls, all dressed in white, looked quite elegant and graceful. Xinyao soon followed with the rest of their three moving songs – “To stop for a moment”, “The Grand Escape” and “Years”. Next was KE Voices, which sang “By the sea shore” which was preceded by various catcalls of “JIPSON!!!!”. Next, the KE DansDemonz portrayed three different types of love scenarios in a shooting gallery. The dance was nicely choreographed and was very funny.

The night was culminated in a scintillating display by our Wushu team. The theme of the display was that of a Wushu master passing down Wushu skills to his disciples. With all the necessary flips and somersaults that took that audience’s breath away, the event closed at 11pm with a bang.


Lucky Draw Box

Yanling’s Lyrical Jazz Dance!

Chinese Drama



A Capella

"I Have No Job, I Have No Money, I Have No Car, But I'm in a Band"

The Happy Hungry Crowd!


Wushu - Tai Chi

Well Done Culture Comm!

Photography by: Ada, Cao Ying & Wen Qing


Day 3 of Internal Cultural Week

Photo Essay by: Reuben Lim
Editor: Janice Fan

The loud riffs on the electric guitar could be heard even when one was quite a distance away from the dining hall…

Oh, it's the Band doing their sound check!

1st song by the Band... "Always Be My Baby"

1st song by the Band...

Craig as lead singer and electric guitarist

Craig as lead singer and electric guitarist

Eng Seng on the bass...

Eng Seng on the bass...

Yannick on the drums...

Yannick on the drums...

Mae Yue on the keyboard...

& Mae Yue on the keyboard...

Next up was an interview with the ICW emcee, Priscillia!

Of course, we should also mention the people working behind the scenes…

Hui Min, the Sounds Manager for ICW/ICN. Making sure that nothing goes wrong with the sound system...

Hui Min, the Sounds Manager for ICW/ICN. Making sure that nothing goes wrong with the sound system...

Yi Fei, the Culture Comm Head, making sure everything is okay.

Yi Fei, the Culture Comm Head, making sure everything is okay.

The previews during ICW have shown us how hard our fellow Keviians are working to put up a good show on ICN. As a Keviian, what are you waiting for? Grab your tickets and watch these talented individuals perform at the Comm Hall on Thurs Night! :)


internal cultural week – the 1st and 2nd night

Note: Updates of the 2nd night has been added in :)

Writers: Akhilesh Narayan & Seow Vui Yin
Editor: Janice Fan

The evening of 13th October 2008 saw the beginning of the Internal Cultural Week (ICW).

getting the hungry crowd's attention!

getting the hungry crowd's attention

The A cappella group, consisting of three boys and three girls brought silence to the crowd of hungry Keviians as they began singing. The music filled the Dining Hall with an air of peace and tranquillity, which was spectacular.


Our entertainers for the night :)

If this was just a glimpse of the show on the 19th (Internal Cultural Night), then imagine what we could expect on the actual day! The amount of practice and hard work that would have gone into that one performance is unbelievable. Each one of the six members was aware of exactly what they had to and how they had to do it, to bring the music alive in KE7.

the silent dinner crowd as the perfect audience for the singers...

the silent dinner crowd as the perfect audience for the singers...


he touched my heart at this point~

After their engaging perfomance, there was an interview with the group, who explained the importance of KE7 A cappella and how it has grown over the years. The singers took a five minute break and then returned to finish their performance for the night with one last piece of art. :)

telling the crowd about their history...

telling the crowd about their history...

Louis being.... well, Louis.

Louis being.... well, Louis.

teacher and students - the photographers for the night!

teacher and students - the photographers for the night!

On the 2nd night, Ken Juin started the day’s event with a short speech about what ICW was about

Next, the Wushu team of KE7 came up to perform.

Stunning displays that wow-ed the audience :)

Lastly, some of the members from Wushu shared about the art and the joy they experience in training and performing.


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May 2024


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