Archive for the 'Sightings' Category


When You Smell a Rat…

Written by: Adrian Chia

Edited by: Celine Yeap

Disclaimer: Viewer discretion is advised. The following article contains some disturbing images of rats.

Recently, a new and unwelcomed resident has been spotted in E Block. This hungry, crafty, furry little beast has been seen lurking around in various places – along the corridors, in the pantries and even in some of the residents’ rooms! It runs on all fours and has the ability to seek out food from miles away. Its latest residential address has been found to be:

Fire Hose Reel, Block E Level 8, KEVII Hall, 1A Kent Ridge Road S119224

Apparently, besides the resident fellows and students, this little creature wants to call KEVII Hall its home too. Perhaps more than just providing it with a shelter, this place has also proven to be a fertile hunting ground where it will never be starved. Just look at this:

Why should it be hungry at all?

Adding to the secret stash of food that almost every resident keeps in his or her room, it is essentially assured of an endless supply of food. Now, let’s hear some recounts from victims of this uninvited guest.

Case 1: Reuben, The Mouse Hunter

The Mouse Hunter with his trap

The greedy vermin took a few munches on his newly-bought NTUC FairPrice Wholemeal Bread.

Not a person who simply lets food go to waste, he was all out to seek revenge. The next day, he got a sticky-glue trap from the office, baited it with bread and left it near the E8 rubbish bin. The next morning when he checked his trap again, voila! The horrible little thief was struggling to free itself from the sticky pool of glue!

Caught you! It was 17cm long excluding its tail!

It was a truly remarkable success – a catch on his first attempt! The secret, according to this victim-turned-hero, lay in the strategic positioning of the bait. He placed small crumbs of bread along the periphery which led to a single large piece of bait in the middle. Obviously, this time the rat was up against a formidable opponent who fully understood its mentality and defeated it hands down.

To all you aspiring mouse-hunters out there, he also offered a valuable insight to his success: hone your skills in the virtual world before trying to catch a real mouse. Check out this Facebook game called MouseHunt, where he is a veteran mouse-hunter. He has caught all sorts of mice with various combinations of traps and baits before. No wonder he was so successful in his first real-life attempt!

Case 2: Nah nah nah nah nah, you cannot catch me

Just as everyone thought that the menace was over, sightings of another member of the same species were soon reported, sparking fear among the residents all over again. A report was quickly lodged on the KEVII Intranet by an irate E7 resident, who became a victim when the filthy pest sneaked into her room. (Editor’s note: An unidentified rat was also sighted scurrying up the stairs to E5 and along its corridor, possibly making its way up to E7 and E8!)

Attention: unhygienic rat spotted

As seen in the screenshot, the office responded by setting up more sticky-glue traps. According to Mr Zainal, the staff in-charge of maintenance issues, these traps do not require bait because they emit a scent that attracts mice. Hopes were high that these high-tech traps could quickly put an end to the  residents’ misery.

Failure #1:

After several days, the traps remained untouched, except one, which caught an unfortunate mynah.

Failure #2:

Finally one night, just as the writer of this very article walked past the E8 bin, he heard some noise coming from the corner and voila, the fella was caught! But to his surprise at 6.30am the next morning, when he walked past the trap, the fella was gone!

Failure #3:

On 1st October, at around 11pm, the same writer spotted the same rat being caught in the same type of trap again!

You cunning fella!

The writer happily went to bed after that. After a stormy night, he woke up to a cool, breezy Sunday morning only to discover that the rat had disappeared and there were bite marks all over the trap!

The trap being PWNED

Twice it was caught, and twice it managed to free itself. The rat has proven too smart for the trap to handle.

While the rat remains out at large, here are some simple things you can do to stop feeding pests like it:

  • Keep the black rubbish bins closed properly
  • Throw any organic waste into the black bins instead of the waste paper basket outside your room
  • Keep the pantries clean and do not leave any leftover food lying around
  • Maintain good hygiene of your own room

If you have any creative solutions to help bring this menace to an end, feel free to reply to this post. Your suggestions are urgently needed and certainly most welcomed!

Photo credits: Reuben Lim, Adrian Chia


E Block 月圆之夜

Written by : Hui Ze

Edited by : Png Ning

E block是KE 7所有block里面地势最高的,拒不完全统计,从PGP巴士站步行到E8要近三百级台阶,而从Science Faculty走到E8,仅仅台阶也要一百多级。中国有句古话,登高望远。在E Block如此高的地势,眼界非常开阔,看得远不是因为站在巨人的肩膀上,是因为站在国大的最高点! (本人的意见)

3月19号晚,E7集结了来自E7和E8的blockers, 他们在干什么呢?



Continue reading ‘E Block 月圆之夜’


python in KE7! (10th October 2009)

photos by: Deborah Wong

At 230am on a Saturday morning, our hall had a surprise visitor…


a python!


say hi! xD

some KEVIIans who were there!

some KEVIIans who were there!

close-up shot

close-up shot

Master searching yellow pages for private pest control companies...

Master searching yellow pages for private pest control companies...

pest control guys at work!

pest control guys at work!

capturing the snake by its neck!

capturing the snake by its neck!

and into the sack it goes!

huge, ain't it? and into the sack it goes!


KE7’s dotA club!

Writer: Akhilesh
Editor: Chia Hui Min

For the unaware, Defense of the Ancients (DotA) is a custom scenario for Warcraft III, based on the “Aeon of Strife” map for StarCraft. The objective of the scenario is to destroy the opponents’ “Ancient”. The two teams’ ancients are heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map.

Eddie from Block A describes this game otherwise however. Using 5 words, he describes the game that he has been playing for the past 5 years: “Owning! Imba! KS-er! Leaver! Stunner!”

It is amazing how guys get addicted to a particular game and I am speaking with experience, although Eddie claims that DotA is not an addiction for him. Ah well, we all know that DotA is not an ‘addiction’. (I hope you can catch the sarcasm!) The strategy and tactics involved in the game make it more than just a mindless computer game and that is what he likes most about the game.

Eddie’s fondest memory of the game was when he went to play the game at Coronation Plaza between two ‘A’ Level Examinations, which supports his claim for the game being a stress buster. Nowadays, he does not have time to play other games. (Hmmm…I wonder why?) Spiritbreaker and Lightning Revenant are his favourite characters, as they can run very fast. According to him his weakness lies in his inability to decide when to retreat whereas his strength is his peaceful mannerisms with his teammates. He is very modest in stating that he is quite lousy at the game and is not as hardcore a gamer as other people.

“Battle Fury sucks” is all he wanted to tell his counterparts. (I guess a true gamer does not disclose much information). My final question to him was, “Do you use cheats?”


And with this, we now hope that you have a better idea of what DotA is about. As many of us know by now, there is a DotA club in hall, led by none other than our KEWOC 08/09 head, Chong Kah Hsiung! Here are some interviews conducted by Xiao Shuang, with the chairperson and a member of this club. Read on to see what they have to say!

DotA with Kah Hsiung and Wu Hong
by: Ling Xiao Shuang
Editor: Chia Hui Min

Why do you want to play DotA?

KH: Initially I was forced to, but then later I became the one who forced others and slowly this committee grew to more than 20 people. Some of my members said it is a way to escape from being hooked by your girlfriends.

Playing with humans instead of the computer is more fun. Another reason is more and more people want to escape from similar tragedy.

WH: I play DotA to de-stress, to make friends and to know one’s true self. One will reveal his true colors in a few rounds of DotA.


What can you learn from DotA?

KH: This game is highly dependent on EQ. It unveils the innermost part of you without knowing. I do not learn much about the game but I learn more about the behavior of guys through the game and also their girlfriends in reality. I learnt that all guys are envious of me over my truly supportive girlfriend too. Credit has to go to her for the success of this club. No prize for guessing my girlfriend right? Try guessing the girlfriends of the other members!


Wu Hong, I heard that you previously stopped playing for a while. Why did that happen?

WH: That was when I first started playing DotA. I found it quite hard to strike a balance between DotA and my love life. After a few rounds of discussion, I finally found a balance between them. If anyone experiences problems in balancing your love life and DotA, please contact the president Kah Hsiung :D

 So it was Kah Hsiung that influenced you to play the game?

WH: Yes, he forced me to play even when I was sleeping!


What is the strategy that you use most frequently in the game?

KH: Some said farming is the best. Some advocate wind walk. But I believe that committing suicide overwhelms the others.

WH: Depends on which hero I am using. I like to use Earthshaker and Naga siren. I will farm then on!


 Have you experienced any side effects from the game?

KH: My CAP increases like the ascending KE staircases because I have better time management so that I have time to play DotA. Some of my members suffer mentally though when they realize 2 pairs of eyes are staring on the laptop screen.  

WH: No, it’s just a game. But I have learnt to manage my time because I have to find a balance between studies, love life and DotA. Also sometimes you need to learn how to be flexible and adapt yourself as each time I will play with different teammates.


 Do you plan to participate in DotA tournaments?

KH: We did have a plan last time. But we were busy with our studies so we abandoned it.


How do you grade your performance in a game?

KH: It depends on your chosen hero and also the capability of your enemy. Just like our participation rate in games depends on the mood of girlfriends.

WH: Below average. B-


 What is your overall view on DotA?

KH: NUS life is stressful enough. A DotA a day keeps your girlfriend away. Call 81187675 (editor’s note: Kah Hsiung’s number) to join the club!!


Angel’s 21st Birthday!

Writer: KP
Photos by: Adrian

Hot from the astounding success of Pygmalion 2009, Angel’s birthday was the next big thing to look forward to for the Hall Play team, as well as for KE Press :) Hence, Ms. Producer, Ms. Chan Yu Kit organised a well-thought-of plan to celebrate the 21st orbit around the Sun (+9 months?) of one of her best friends who’s also the Stage Manager for Pygmalion 2009 on February 3rd. AND, since Yu Kit and Angel are both in KE Press 2008/09 (Editor and Co-Head respectively), it was only apt that we joined in to celebrate Angel’s birthday along with her friends from X10 (10th XQRJ)! Below are the photos!

The Birthday Cake + Hershey Kissess! Prepared by Yu Kit!

The Birthday Cake + Hershey Kissess! Prepared by Yu Kit!

The Hall Play team laying out and lightint up the tealights

The Hall Play team laying out and lighting up the tealights

The Star of the Night!

The Star of the Night!

Yu Kits task was to bring Angel down from her room to blow out the tealights!

Yu Kit's task was to bring Angel down from her room to blow out the tealights!

Angel was then brought to another location where a group of close friends were hiding in the dark and pounced upon her surprised her with a slideshow featuring all her unglam photos!

Unglams the Word of the Night!

Unglam's the Word of the Night!

Next, was the cake-blowing ceremony!

Next, was the cake-blowing ceremony!

Since the best prize is a sur-prise (har har), Angel was in for one! Little that she know what was in store for her!

Since the best prize is a sur-prise (har har), Angel was in for one! Little did she know what was in store for her!

Yu Kit had actually used Trick Candles and it took a long while and help from 3 other puffer boys before the candles were completely extinguished!

Yu Kit had actually used Trick Candles and it took a long while and help from 3 other puffer boys before the candles were completely extinguished!

When the torment was finally over and a wish was made, it was time for photos!

With friends from X10 and AY2007/08!

With friends from X10 and AY2007/08!

With the Hall Play team!

With the Hall Play team!

And, of course KE Press!

And, of course KE Press!

Happy Birthday Angel!

Happy Birthday Angel!

The night ended on a happy note and we wish Angel an angelic awesome year ahead full of joy and happiness! Happy 21st! Old already!

PS: Unfortunately, there was no birthday sabo! Sigh.


Mysterious Lights

November 30th 2008


Is it Love?

Is it Ritual?

Is it Extraterresterial?






Biggest Clue:



CD Halloween-cum-Brownie Night

Writer: Chia Hui Min
Editor: Jonathan Chan

What do black cats and evil-looking pumpkins bring to mind? It’s time for Halloween! CD blockers celebrated Halloween night last Thursday, 30th October, by having a yummy brownie night. CD block comm-ers, Gavin, Yun Lan, Ashish and block head Jordan, went around CD block trick-or-treating with their handmade masks, sweets and loud BOOs!

The four of them with their hilarious masks!

The four of them with their hilarious masks!

Some of the more successful scares came from the D3 girls, who totally screamed out loud! Most of the guys did not get much of a scare though. After scaring the wits out of almost all the CD blockers, Ashish and Jordan proceeded to B block to give away more sweets and frighten more people along the way!

Denise of D block got scared by Ashish!

Denise of D block got scared by Ashish!

Brownie night commenced soon after, with lots of moist and delicious brownies, coupled with vanilla ice-cream.

CD girls

CD girls

Some games were played while everyone was savouring the lovely brownie and ice-cream combo. We started off with quizzes about fellow CD blockers and the Halloween festival, and then proceeded onto guessing what mysterious objects were inside two tin cans. Brave souls volunteered to stick their hands in, and their descriptions of the objects were made known to everyone.

Some of the brave souls who volunteered

Some of the brave souls who volunteered

Prizes, including sinful Hershey’s chocolates, were given for the correct identifications. The first tin can contained eggs with egg shells, while the second tin can contained a sock with leaves and branches.

First tin can - gooey egg contents with egg shells

First tin can - gooey egg contents with egg shells

Gavin's smelly sock!

Gavin's sock

With that, we ended the night by taking a lovely shot of all the blockers who were present:




KEVIIans Hard at Work!

Keep Up the Good Work Hall Play + Dinner & Dance Committee!


photo essay #4 the notice boards in ke7!

Writer: Akhilesh Narayan
Editor: Janice Fan
Photos by: Photo Essay Cluster

The notice boards in each block serve as a medium of communication between the block residents and the respective block comms. Each block has a completely different style of decorating their notice boards and as our photo essay cluster went round to take photos of the notice boards, our question was “what is the most eye-catching about this board?” Perhaps you could answer that question as you look at the photos that are coming up next…  :)





If we have to rate the best notice board (without any bias, sigh) it would E Block’s piece of art. Why?

1) They have creative taglines like “e-nfo”!
2) They made the effort to take photos of every resident in the block! If you don’t already know why, you will if you read on.
3) They put up photos of previous block events – nice! (CD does it too)

We gave E Block 5 stars mainly because the letter “e” created to showcase the residents’ birthdays is the most eye-catching thing we’ve seen from all the notice boards in hall :) We checked with the Block Comm and was told that the board was updated monthly.

But of course, not to forget about the other blocks…

The CD Block notice board is an interesting one because of the many photos that are on it! Some are in fact rather amusing. For example, the “love & kisses from CD Block!” is a must-see; Nicholas’s expression cannot be ignored :P The other notice board at C1 is obviously used for more practical purposes, such as putting up of announcements and notices.

CD's notice board



check out nicholas' expression!

The Other CD Notice Board

The Other CD Notice Board

The AB and F block notice boards are not as decorated, but they certainly reflect the characteristics of the blockers :)

AB's Notice Board @A1


As for the AB Block notice board, it is reflective of the tranquil and peaceful environment that surrounds the block. They are not into all that colourful stuff, and they value supper a lot! No we are not saying this because the prominent placing of the RF supper’s poster :P We are saying this because they have a Barley Night every Tuesday night!

Like CD, the other notice board of AB is clearly used for announcements and notices. A trend amongst the East wingers perhaps?

The Other AB Notice Board

The Other AB Notice Board

F Block is clearly a sporty block, and we can see their pride in being sports champions on their notice board! If  anything, there are 2 things that stand out from their board – stars, and the IBG championship certificates.

F Block's

F Block



As for GH Block, they have definitely shown their aesthetic skills through the decorations of the noticeboard. Why do we say that? Because although their board is simple, (black with a very bold and dashing ‘GH’ at the top left corner, accompanied with grass and flowers), this is one board that ends up looking classy! :D And check out their notice board which proudly shows their victory in IBG for the past 2 years – the 3 dimensional IBG trophy and “GH” are definitely pieces of art :)

GH's Notice Board

The Other GH Notice Board

Last but definitely not the least, we thought that GH’s doodle board was worth a mention in this photo essay!

GH's doodleboard

GH's doodleboard

So, do you want to know who’s hot in GH? or what scandalous stories they have? Go check out their board! :P


Kok Pun’s Birthday Sabo!

Writer: Reuben Lim
Editor: Angel

After E-Block supper on Tuesday, the 21st of October, we celebrated our dearest KE Press Head Kok Pun’s 21st birthday!

Let’s go behind the scenes to see what happened…

Some of the surprise conspirators…

Some of the surprise conspirators…

A special “brew” was in the making…

A special “brew” was in the making…

Adding self raising flour…

Adding self raising flour…

Louis' evil grin

Louis' evil grin

Assigning the roles…

Assigning the roles…

Final meeting before the act

Final meeting before the act

Last touch-up with Brenda’s expired peanut butter

Last touch-up with Brenda’s expired peanut butter

Leading the lamb to the slaughter…

Leading the lamb to the slaughter…

Eagerly awaiting his surprise

Eagerly awaiting his surprise

Which was cake and doughnuts, together with...

Which was cake and doughnuts, together with...

Kok Pun’s moment of anguish…

Kok Pun’s moment of anguish…


Before THIS! Truly a Kodak moment :)

“And there was soil, flour, garlic chilli, expired peanut butter….”

“And there was soil, flour, garlic chilli, expired peanut butter….”




ICN: Behind the Scenes

All Photos Courtesy Of KE Vision (also known as KE PhotoComm).
Photos can be found here: ICN 2008

Photographers: Ada, Cao Ying & Wen Qing


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