Posts Tagged ‘float


Rag Day 2010 – KE Soul (Our Best Float!)

Note that you can toggle the different resolutions using the button on the bottom toolbar of the video :)

For videos of other Halls:


Rag Day 2010 Programme

1st Segment (Faculties)

2.30pm Arrival of Guests

3.00pm Opening Sequence

3.05pm Flag Day Prize Presentation

3.35pm Performance by Beneficiaries

3.45pm Faculty Float Displays and Performances

(11 Faculties, 1 Alumni and 1 Staff Floats)

5.20pm Closing Sequence

2nd Segment (Halls of Residence)

6.45pm Guest to be Seated

6.55pm Arrival of GOH

7.00pm Hall Rag Presentation and YOG Mass Displays (Dynamic Performance)

7.50pm Carousel of Floats

8.00pm Arrival of Youth Olympic Flame

8.06pm YOG Finale with Pyrotechnics

8. 10pm Departure of GOH

8.15pm Awards Presentation and Party

First come, first served. No tickets needed. To be safe, come down by 6pm :)


Rag Day Coverage on NUS News Portal

From here.


Chancellor’s Shields

  • Overall Champion for Faculty Clubs: School of Business
  • Overall Champion for Halls of Residence: Kent Ridge Hall

NUS Presidents Shields

  • Best Total Collection for Faculty Clubs: School of Business
  • Best Total Collection for Halls of Residence: Kent Ridge Hall
  • Best Rag Performance for Faculty Clubs: School of Design and Environment
  • Best Rag Performance for Halls of Residence: King Edward VII Hall

NUSSU Challenge Shields

  • Best Float Design for Faculty Clubs: University Scholars Club
  • Best Float Design for Halls of Residence: Eusoff Hall
  • Best Presentation for Faculty Clubs: Medicine
  • Best Presentation for Halls of Residence: Eusoff Hall
  • Least Cost Float for Faculty Clubs: School of Computing
  • Least Cost Float for Halls of Residence: Raffles Hall
  • Best per Capita Collection for Faculty Clubs: School of Business
  • Best Total Coin Collection for Faculty Clubs: School of Business
  • Most Environment-Friendly Float for Faculty Clubs: School of Design & Environment
  • Most Environment-Friendly Float for Halls of Residence: King Edward VII Hall
  • OSA Most Creative Float Award for Halls of Residence: Eusoff Hall
  • OSA Most Creative Float Award for Faculty Clubs: Medicine

Photos of Rag Day 2009

by: Stephanie Kho

080809. With much anticipation, the day was finally here! NUSSU Rag Day 2009 with the theme Exploding Colours, Exuberating Zest!

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS KE NOVO! The achievements we had obtained marked another milestone in history that all KEVIIans will be proud of. It had been quite a day for everyone, with bursts of joy and laughter mixed with tears of happiness as well.

Not forgetting all KEVIIans too who came down to support our Float performance! Here are some memorable snapshots of NUSSU RAG DAY 2009.

Group photo with the Best Float!

Group photo with the Best Float!

Proud KEVIIans!

Proud KEVIIans!

The people who worked hard to put up the best float.

The people who worked hard to put up the best float.

We finally got it! =D

We finally got it! =D

The sea of red supporters.

The sea of red supporters.

On the way to SRC

On the way to SRC

A spectacular view from afar!

A spectacular view from afar!

Intricate designs that manifest the burning passion of KE NOVO

Intricate designs that manifest the burning passion of KE NOVO

Let's cheer out LOUD!

Let's cheer out LOUD!

KEVII supporters dressed in red/shades of red!

KEVII supporters dressed in red/shades of red!


KEVII, we made it this year!

KEVII, we made it this year!




Congratulations to KE Novo for winning:


2. NUSSU Challenge Shield – Most Environmentally-Friendly Float for Halls of Residence

during NUS Rag Day 2009!

(more updates coming soon!)


Interview with Zhengyu, Float Head 2008

Writer: Ho Xin Ling
Editor: Jonathan Chan

I’m sure many in hall are familiar with Zhengyu. He’s a member of A Cappella, head of the alumni committee, KE Float 08 and even performed in the recent ICN as a dancer in the modern dance item. Hence I was excited to be given the chance to interview him; someone whom I think is probably one of the Clark Kents in our hall. Well that, and also because I found out that we have the same favourite movie

Zheng Yu, Float Head 2008

Zhengyu, Float Head 2008

1) You were the head of this year’s Rag. What was the experience like?
Firstly I am more used to being called Float Head, since internally we call it Float instead of Rag. This was probably my biggest project in KE so far, and I would say that it was a very challenging and rewarding experience as well. Float is something that captures a complete set of experiences: the hard work, the satisfaction, the good times and the bad as well. I was very fortunate to have my team with me, and at the end of the many months, I am very proud of what we have produced together for our hall. These months cannot be described by me in words, so I can only invite you to come experience it for yourself, but I can assure you that it will be a very good experience.

2) How do you feel about the results of this year’s Rag?
Of course it was disappointing that we did not clinch any award, but there was indeed strong competition from other Halls, so it’s up to the judges to choose. I did however receive several good comments from friends about our float, so that was very very encouraging.

3) Do you have anything you want to say to all your comrades for Rag?
Thank you all for a wonderful journey and I hope Float 08/09 has at least given each of your something to endear for yourself. And remember: Once a Floater, Always a Floater!

4) Any advice for next year’s Rag head and the entire rag team? :)
Rag in NUS started as a way of showing appreciation to the donors for Flag, and in the spirit of charity, it was also meant to be a channel for students to express their creativity while staying environmentally friendly, thereby displaying charity towards the Earth. Yet NUS has also forsaken its original meaning and turned it into a means of positive advertisement for NUS to the public. For KE Float, we have to find our own meaning in floating, amidst all the competition and paperwork that will distract us along the way. It will be this that will carry you through to the end of the journey, and this that will keep Float meaningful to us all.

5) You are in so many activities, how do you cope?
Erm. Academically, I cannot say that I’m really coping that well, but I do manage to get by somewhat. There are times that I stay up in the night to do my work and barely struggle through the day, which is really not a good idea. One of the things I used to do was to spend weekends in Hall to finish up my homework, before going back home. Another was to finish the whole list of past year papers from the library portal, starting around week 10.

For activities, I would say that I am glad to have chosen to spend time in the things that I am concerned about, because it is this interest that keeps me going. It also helped a lot that I have many friends who busy themselves with hall stuff as well, so we can chiong together in a sense.

6) I really like the quote on your facebook profile. ‘The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain.’ – Jennifer Aniston. Why this quote?
Well, I received that quote through my handphone actually, and found that it was quite meaningful to me. Perhaps sometimes we busy ourselves so much over someone or something that we care for, that we become delusional and lose ourselves. It’s sort of a reminder for myself about managing emotions sometimes.

7) People say you know the hall really well. If you could use a word/phrase to describe the hall or your life in the hall, what would it be?
I really cannot say I know the hall that well, except perhaps because I have had the chance to see a variety of things and learn from various gurus like Terence and Kane. In one phrase, perhaps, if you would like to take away something from this Hall experience, start by giving to the Hall and its people.

8 ) Why?
Personally I feel that my greatest take away are the things that I have done and the friends I have made along the way. Hall has been generous to give us the opportunities to do certain things for ourselves, and it is also a great place to make meet many people. I have some friends who go into a Hall only for its benefits, and at the end of their one year stay, blame their Hall for having a boring or disappointing experience, or comment how few friends they have met. Our own attitude will more or less define our individual experiences here, so come with an open heart, to give yourself and others a fair chance to gain from it all. We have pretty good facilities (some are old, yes, but are actually rather comprehensive), a good bunch of people (both students and staff) and our SCRC have been guiding us well, so do not opt out on a possibly very memorable experience! And of course, do remember to stop and admire the greenery here at KE!

"... if you would like to take away something from this Hall experience, start by giving to the Hall and its people..."

"...if you would like to take away something from this Hall experience, start by giving to the Hall and its people..."

PS: Zhengyu loves instant noodles.


From Rags to Castles: Rag Day 2008 Video

From the King Edward VII Hall Float Committee Blog:

Thanks to EusoffWorks, Mediagraphy Wing of Eusoff Hall.


From Rags to Castles: Rag Day 2008

Writer: Michelle Perera
Editor: Jonathan Chan

The KEVII Crowd at Rag Day 2008!

The KEVII Crowd at Rag Day 2008!

Click on photo above for full resolution. Photo opens in the same window. Right-Click – Open in New Tab/Window to view photo in another tab/window.

Beneath a periwinkle sky, a majestic silhouette rose, expectancy growing within its meticulous walls where its creators worked. The castle was finally ready to float, after greeting numerous freshmen with its myriad components at the entrance to the hall. Hours of cutting triangles from templates of ‘Tropicana’ labels and months of careful engineering that had gone into the float building were about to bear fruit.

Rag Day dawned amidst pulsating music, glorious sunshine and the spectacular sight of the crowds in various colours enthusiastically cheering on their magnificent floats that adorned the SRC. Keviians clad in royal red, (with face paint and ribbons to add a less sophisticated, albeit cuter and more personal touch), cheered vibrantly, as shouts of ‘KE ke ma ma’ fused with the sounds in the background to create a pleasant rhythm! The official start of Rag Day 2008, themed: ‘Unwavering Spirit and Blazing Passion’, was pronounced and colourful balloons made a dazzling entry into the skies.

The long parade of brilliant-hued floats then slowly inched its way across the track, and the curtains were raised to a chronicle of displays.

The KE7 float revolved around a classic tale of a little boy (played by a girl!), who entered the pages of a fairy-tale to join the fight against an evil Joker who had corrupted its people. The story took a dramatic turn when the sun rose, its light dawning over the world, and converting the black-clad men into pure-hearted ‘men in red’. The evil joker was eventually defeated and the story drew to a ‘High School Musical-style’ happy ending, vibrantly coloured with song and dance.

Bizad Faculty took away the Faculty club honours with a charming, pastel-coloured float, themed ‘Food’, the reasoning behind this being typically business-like: it was something everyone could relate to! They won the ‘Overall Champion for Clubs’ and the ‘Least Cost for Faculty Clubs’ awards

Kent Ridge Hall’s float bagged the ‘Overall Champion for Halls of Residence’, ‘Best Float for Halls of Residence’, ‘Best Float Design for Halls of Residence’, ‘Best Float Presentation for Halls of Residence’, and ‘Most Environmental-Friendly Float for Halls of Residence’ awards.

There was a slight sense of disappointment that KE7 was unable to procure any awards this year as KE had emerged champions in the previous years, but this only highlighted the sensation of loyalty towards KE7, as members of the hall bunched together, singing the KE songs spiritedly while dusky tints crept into the sky. Rag day 2008 may not have been a brilliant success in the material sense, culminating in many awards for KE, but it was one of joy, sunshine and the essence of the Keviian spirit, as the flags of the castle rippled in contentment, on their way back to, as far as we are concerned, the Best Hall ever!



Replica of the Float

Replica of the Float

The Gentle Embrace of Paint

The Gentle Embrace of Paint

VS The Steely Spirit of the Dancers

VS The Steely Spirit of the Dancers

The Dance-form Joker - Xin Ling - who is one of our Writers too!

The Dance-form Joker - Xin Ling - who is one of our Writers too!

The Joker at Dawn

The Joker at Dawn

Dancers' Congregation


Shall We Dance?

Shall We Dance?

Artists at Work

Artists at Work

Final Touch-Ups

Final Touch-Ups

The Static Presentation, featuring Aline

The Static Presentation, featuring Aline

The Cheer Crowd!

The Cheer Crowd!

Dynamic Presentation - Huey Shin Up, Up and Away!

Dynamic Presentation - Huey Shin Up, Up and Away!

Dynamic Presentation - Sunshine On You

Dynamic Presentation - Sunshine On You

Dynamic Presentation - The Army of Cards

Dynamic Presentation - The Army of Cards

KE KeMaMa!

KE KeMaMa!





KEVIIans All The Way!

KEVIIans All The Way!

Floaters 2008

Floaters 2008

Click on the photo above and below for full-resolution.

See You Next Year!

See You Next Year!

Photos By: Weiqin & A Mysterious Photographer
Captions By: KP
Full Rag Day Results: HERE

All Rag Day 2008 photos will be uploaded at KE Photographers by next week.


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If you are looking to have us publish any content for you relating to hall matters in any of our publications, please email:- keviihall[at]
May 2024


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