Archive for the 'Culture' Category


谁知女人心 记ICN—Chinese Drama

Written by Yuan Xuting

Edited by Mao Yinan

KE VII Hall Chinese Drama Team 为 ICN 排了一出新剧——《谁知女人心》。 短短的几幕剧,因为题材的创意,演员表演的出彩,而获得好评不断。












ICN 表演的成功,并未让所有的工作组人员们松懈下来。相反的,他们又开始忙碌地准备着下一场更大型的表演了。让我们期待他们更为精彩的表演,更为丝丝入扣的剧情吧。


ICN 一个精彩的夜晚

Written by: Shi Yangyang

Edited by: Mao Yinan

为了增进Keviians间的友谊,丰富Keviians的生活,为keviians提供一个展示自己舞台魅力的平台,更为了让keviians更好的享受在King Edward VII hall的生活,culture committee 特别组织了一场精彩的表演,创造了一个美好的夜晚——internal culture night。

晚上7点半,伴随着主持人的出现与宣告,King Edward Vii Hall一年一度的Internal culture night正式开始了。男主持人一身白色衬衣加黑色西裤的帅气打扮,伴着一身黑色紧身裙的性感女主持人,给这个夜晚增彩不少。


第一个节目是心瑶的歌曲表演。心瑶是本hall的一个原创歌曲社团。这次ICN则是搬上了去年的原创歌曲—— 街角。演唱者把失恋了以后的女主角心中的悲伤绝望化作歌曲中的跌宕起伏,一曲歌曲过后,仍久久沉浸其中,不能忘怀。


8点,A cappella表演,一轮或清新或雄壮的歌曲轰炸以后,主持人介绍了一个摇滚男生——Ryan Sleeper!!!!帅气的摇滚男生,乍一看,可能你会觉得他只是个普通的对音乐有点研究的男生,实则不然。 在现场,他的口技实在让人赞不绝口。以前只是从书里看过类似的描写,今日现场得以观看,实在叹为观止。一会好像是打鼓的声音,一下又夹杂些许吉他,堪比专业的机器配音。厉害啊!不仅如此,Ryan Sleeper轻松随意的台风加上幽默亲切的话语,更是迎来台下阵阵尖叫。以后若是那次表演临时找不到器材,或许可以请Ryan Sleeper帮忙。有如此优秀的配音加上轻松幽默的台风,演出一定会比之前更成功!King Edward VII Hall真是藏龙卧虎啊!

Ryan Sleeper!!!

时间总是过得飞快。一转眼都已经快接近尾声。马上就到我们今年的压轴节目:武术。首先是一段宣传片。虽然宣传片只截取了由李连杰饰演的成真的一个片段,但其中的武打场面已足以让人兴奋。紧接着,KE 武术队向我们展示了他们精湛的武艺。首先是4个拿着长棍的高个男生为我们展示了他们精湛的棍棒武艺,那长长的棍棒在他们手上是那么的有力,打在地上发出巨大的响声。于此同时,当他们挥舞着他们的武器时,虽然他们只有4个人,但还是可以听到他们练武时“喝”的一声,强壮而有力。据说比武时,这声喝有吓退敌人的功效。






3个小时是短暂的,10点伴随着最后一个表演的结束,开始谢幕。今年的ICN到这里已经圆满结束了。Keviians, 让我们对这些天来为ICN操劳的head,culture committee的成员们真诚地说声谢谢吧!希望大家今天晚上有个愉快的夜晚!



Internal Cultural Night (ICN)

Written by: Gavin Cheah
Edited by: Adriel Leong
Photos by: Sheng Jie

Internal Cultural Night (ICN) held on the 21st of October 2010 was yet another resounding success, showcasing the many different cultural talents in hall. Themed “Emotions”, the event certainly did not fail to feature the entire spectrum of human emotion, even “suppressed” ones.

Walking into the Comm Hall, one could not help but notice the many emoticons on the floor with different expressions, certainly reflecting the wide array of emotions that the audience were about to be bombarded with as the evening progressed.

Continue reading ‘Internal Cultural Night (ICN)’



by: Max Yam, a prominent alumnus of King Edward VII Hall

It has come to this time of the year again for KE, a new leader is going to be chosen by the residents. I applaud the change of the election system to just have formal election for the President and Vice-President. In the past we had to get all the positions of the JCRC to go through election. Since this change has taken place we have seen (probably) unprecedented level of active participation of hall residents, both as candidates and voters.

Changes do happen in the long history of KE, which is still in making. However certain things are so essential that they become the essence of KE. Say the JCRC. The new going-to-be-chosen leader will lead the 54th JCRC. From the title you know this system has existed for 53 years. Actually I’m not very sure about the number, but what is sure is that the hall was officially formed iin 1957, since then the system of JCRC has been in placed. (The fact that KE is over 90 years old is because we normally add in the pre-KE years i.e. when KE was not called KE, just like NUS is over 100 years old, but the current name and structure of the university are formed in the 1980s.)

Ya, KE is this old. During this period of considering the options and making decision, many residents would think what KE is all about, what is important to KE, what KE need, “KE is so old… so what?”… etc etc.

When KE celebrated her 90th birthday a few years ago, I am honoured to be given a chance to be involved in a team to produce a book for this special occasion. It is not a yearbook. It does not feature the events, activities, accomplishments and every residents’ passport-size photos. This book is called “KEEP”.

The editorial team which is made up of alumni did not have a format for this book. The only requirement given by Master is, it must contain a lot of photos. That’s it. We started by digging out photos (literally digging out the hardcopies! and there wasn’t a systematic way to store the digital photos as well!), approaching the previous masters, looking for prominent ex-Keviians and office staffs… hoping to tell a story of KE that is special, complete and interesting.

During the research process, we had lunch with alumni who sabo-ed the ex-Prime Minister of Malaysia when he was studying medicine here; we tasted the same breakfast that Keviians had 30 years ago, using the same cutlery, prepared by the same canteen uncle who served for almost 40 years; we saw residence of previous Masters that is so far away from the residents’ rooms which explains why they were a lot naughtier back then… All these experiences lead us to structuring the book into seven chapters, namely Places, People, Activities, Life, Moments, Emotions, and The Past & The Present. This is how we see KE, in a systematic way.

Yes, originally KE is merely a hostel, that had been destroyed during World War II, rebuilt at the same place, renamed to King Edward VII Hall, moved from SGH campus to the current slope on Kent Ridge, with unrivaled sea view. Going through all these changes, including the diminishing sea view because of PGP, KE still stands still on this slope. But without the people, KE is just an empty hostel.

Over the years, there has been drastic changes in the proportions of the people’s nationalities, field of study and even gender. KE started as an all-male hall solely for medicine students. Now, we all know how the mix is like. Freshmen, KEWOCs, Floaters, seniors, blockmates, heads, vice-heads, JCRCs of both genders, from all kinds of background form a big chunk of the people in KE. Each possesses different talents and skills and plays different roles. Together, with the office staff, RFs and Master, form an integrated community of people, that work with each other, play with each other, rely on each other, learn from each other, grow with each other. There is always ONLY ONE people of KE.

The people of KE join many different kinds of activities. Almost everyone started off with the orientation, a must-have event which in the past, features endless ‘sabo’s served by the seniors, specially for the freshmen; and now handled by a group of friendly and dedicated seniors with only one aim in heart: to make sure the freshmen bond with the rest of the people and become ONE people as fast as possible, in a way that is as fun, exciting, and memorable as possible. With a group of juniors with a strong sense of belonging and spirit in KE, a variety of activities starts with careful planning and passionate execution. From a 36-year old Hall Play to a baby KE Titans, each has its own history, aim, agenda and style, together they contribute to a vibrant hall life that is filled with ideas, creativity, determination, knowledge, experience, sweat and blood of the KE people from year one to the alumni. Some activities just fade away, such as bodybuilding and fencing, but new ones are also born to fill in the space to continue uplifting the name and status of KE among the six halls and in the campus.

The life in hall has also gone through changes. In the past Keviians could enjoy alcohol openly in the canteen (not sure if it’s legal..); now there is always reasons for suppers: ROCKE supper, welcoming supper, Hall Play supper, block suppers, East Wing supper, West Wing supper, welfare supper, exam supper……….. (whew..). Personally I couldn’t forget walking down to NUH at 1am to have a bowl of nice mango sunrise after debriefing, and witness the latest couples cultivating their relationships there. Hall life is everything about fun. Fun with a big group of people, the people of KE.

There are moments that hugely affects KE and her people in various ways. Some say the new University Town will hugely affect KE’s status. But KE has been through events that are no less significant. World War II killed 11 residents, the hall was given a new name and a new governing system, admission of females and non-medical students, a big move of the hall to Kent Ridge, physically joining the university community, the introduction of PGP that instantly increased number of students staying in campus by 100 percent… All of these are tsunamis at their times of existence. But none has effectively affected KE and her people’s belief in themselves and determination to strive forward in making a history that continuously becomes more glorious than ever.

Activities, hall life and moments bring emotions to the people. Being Keviians is not just about having fun. When our badminton players won a long-awaited gold medal in IHG, all of us smiled and felt proud. The next year we couldn’t as we lost again. When we lost in Rag Day, freshmen, floaters, seniors and alumni cried together. A few years later we fought back and got the biggest award. When the stage curtain closed after a show has ended, the whole Hall Play family shouted and hugged with joy of satisfaction. There is certainly a lot more different emotions that occur in Keviians’ experience. And it’s this unique mix of emotions that makes KE so special and even irreplaceable, and every Keviian’s experience has got to be so memorable and unforgettable.

The last chapter of the book is “The Past & The Present”. I’m not going to talk much about this chapter. Everyone who are reading this now will become the past in a few years time. Everyone is making the history of KE in one way or another. There is alumnus who was JCRC President in the past and became SCRC member now. There is couple who met in KE, got married, and sent their children to KE. You are going to decide for yourself how you want to be included in KE’s history.

You might wonder why this book is called KEEP. Certainly we want everyone who got the book will KEEP it nicely. But the more important reason is: It is made up of KE and EP. I don’t think there’s a need to explain KE. And EP means extended play, which is a record or CD that contains more music than a single but shorter than an LP/full album. It symbolizes the quite-long-but-not-long-enough period of 90 years of KE, which further brings out the significance of the current and future generations of Keviians in forever writing the history. On one side, KE is an old hall with rich heritage; on the other side, EP is the spirit of ‘still-not-enough’ that drives Keviians to strive, to seek, to serve.

I thank you for reading until this part. And with this long explanation of KEEP, I urge you to choose a leader who can live up to the expectations. The expectations of KE and EP.

Thank you.

*If you are interested to read KEEP, there are some copies in the JCRC room, you may ask for it from the JCRC to have a look. Or you may view the digital version here:


Internal Culture Night 2009

By: Akhilesh Narayan

Photos: Cao Ying and Zhou Shuo

Nine cultural groups, one night and an escape into the world of diverse cultures present in King Edward VII Hall. The 22nd of October 2009 was a night filled with a variety of dances and songs, a drama, a movie and a very gripping display of martial arts, all of which gave shape to KE’s Internal Cultural Night. The emcees for the night were Asher and Lisa, who had a small skit of their own before every performance. They did not allow the audience to feel dull at any moment, while the stage crew propped the stage up for the next cultural group. The night was inaugurated by F Block Resident Fellow, Dr. Seow Teck Keong who announced to the audience that there was something extra special about this particular ICN.

There was a small opening ceremony which consisted of dancers, colourful curtains and very sensual and soothing music. It was just the right thing to calm everyone down before the burst of energy that would grip the entire Hall in the next few hours. And just as the calm music subsided and the dancers faded away, the KE Titans burst into the Comm Hall from what seemed to be literally every entrance. The cheerleaders in red and black brought along with them a thunderous applause and an immense amount of KE spirit as they charged towards the front of the Hall. This was the first ever performance by the KE Titans (Cheerleading Squad of KE) and boy, did they lift everyone’s spirits.

The opening ceremony dance

The opening ceremony dance

1 Jiyuan

Go Titans!

This was followed by five songs that were composed by KEVIIANs themselves from Xinyao. The first song ‘Broken’ was in English, while the others ‘Shi Shu’, ‘Que Shui De Xln Qing’, ‘Zui Ling ‘Long’ and You ‘Zi Yin’ were in Chinese. Xinyao’s performance contained a variety of music ranging from archaic tunes to modern ones. Their compositions were very delicate and contained a lot of heart in them. This was followed by a tale of love in the form of some very different dancing styles in the first dance performance titled ‘Love Affair’. There were graceful and elegant moves happening on stage, behind stage and along the sides of the stage in this performance and they all received deafening appreciation from the audience.

A Love Affair

A Love Affair

Beautiful singing...

Beautiful singing...

The next performance was by Chinese Drama- ‘An Unexpected Valentine’s Day’. How bad can your Valentine’s Day be? Well the answer to that was provided by the very simple yet deep play. The protagonist gets thrown out of a bus because he gives up his seat to an apparently pregnant lady, he nearly gets beaten up by a hooligan for trying to look after the hooligan’s bicycle, he loses his girlfriend when he runs behind a woman to get his money back and he gets yelled at by a mother when he tries to lift a little girl’s (Dr. Seow Teck Keong’s daughter) spirits. Pretty bad, right? But the silver lining for the protagonist was when then little girl came running back and gave him her balloon. A small gesture of gratefulness can mean a lot. That was the moral of this story.

I want my money back...

I want my money back...

Go Andy!

Go Andy!

A Cappella has always given a very tranquil and blissful performance. There are no fancy gimmicks, just good old fashion beautiful music. They performed two songs which were very contrasting in nature showing the versatility of the group. ‘If’ and ‘Fire’, the two performances, displayed how music can in fact change the entire mood of a place. The most mesmerising fact about their performance was that they made it look effortless. Pop music has always been very peppy and dance inducing. The audience snapped their fingers and tapped their feet along with the dancers in their second performance of the night titled, ‘Those Pop Songs’. There was a praiseworthy moonwalk from either side of the stage that looked perfect. There was again a lot of energy in the dancers as they danced to these old, but popular numbers.

The harmonious voices of A Cappella

The harmonious voices of A Cappella

Fire indeed...

Fire indeed!

Looking good!

Looking good!

A short break for light refreshments and then we had the lucky draw prize winners announced. Then the KE band was welcomed with a thunderous applause. Six songs later the crowd was left begging for more. ‘Free Loop’, ‘Careless Whisper’ (by Seether), ‘Paralyser’, ‘Geek in the Pink’, ‘September’ and ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ was the selection the band went with to turn the Comm Hall into a concert ground. There were mobile phones being raised in the air, people singing along and a lot of cheering, solos on the drums and guitar and loud rock music in everyone’s ears. There were no drugs and no sex, but the band rocked and rolled their way into the night.

Craig singing Careless Whisper

Craig singing Careless Whisper

Look at him go...

Look at him go...

The hooting after the band’s performance subsided, as the lights went off and the theme of Mission Impossible paved the way for ELnD’s movie ‘Camp KE’. The recession, Jack Sparrow, Super-man and Harry Potter brought themselves onto the screen along with NS. This was supposed to be an intense comedy, but due to the lack of subtitles, many of the funnier parts remained unnoticed. Despite this there was a roar of laughter from the audience when Gavin’s ahem… ‘R-rated’ scene came. Wonder what was so funny about that?

The third dance performance called ‘Haunting Dreams’ was a very unique one. As the name suggests, it had a very eerie feel to it. The music, the dancers, the costumes and the lighting all contributed to the effect of the song. The abstractness in this dance contrasted with the next dance performance called ‘Crazy Little Thing’. There were hats, girls in colourful clothes, guys in white shirts and jeans, glitter, light and a lot of colour that highlighted the excellence of the dancers. It was a fitting finale to the DansDemonz performance.

Haunting Dreams 2

Haunting everyone's dreams...

Woah, so much colour!

Woah, so much colour!

Men in black and women in white, but the music was perfected to a point beyond perfection. The KE Choir sung three songs- ‘Solerum’, ‘Lux Aurumque’ and ‘Pasigin’. While the first two songs were slow and soothing, the third was full of life and jumpy. There were a number of loud cheers from the audience, as the choir got ready to perform.

The KE Choir!

The KE Choir!

The final performance for ICN 2009 was by Wushu. The Wushu team put up a very well choreographed display of the martial art. The thunderous beats in the background, the war cries, the clanging of swords, the acrobatics of the Wushu team, the different coloured costumes, all lead to one ultimate thing- the end of KE’s ICN. The fight which involved the girl in a purple costume and a hat definitely stole the show.

Is he flying?

Is he flying?

Thus, ICN 2009 came to an end. It was a month of hard work put in by all the cultural groups, no doubt, but many people tend to ignore the enormous amount of work put in by the people behind the curtains. The people handling the lights, the sounds, the stage, the decorations, the marketing, the publicity and the logistics would have spent many sleepless nights trying to co-ordinate with the different culture groups. The Culture Comm did a splendid job in making ICN a success and they deserve a huge round of applause…

2 Jiyuan

The Cultural Group Heads

3 Jiyuan

Good job Culture Comm!

Gavin and Priscillia!

Gavin and Priscillia!


Malaysia Night 2009

Writer: Pearly Neo
Photos: Kelvin Anggara

Pearly: First of all, I’d like to apologise to all readers for the SUPER late posting of this article. There was a major technical problem while I was uploading the photos, and I thought I’d hold off on posting the article entirely until I could fix itbut I still can’t so the photos are without captions. I really am very very sorry, and I hope you all enjoy reading this, late though it be! Will post more photos, and fix up the remaining ones as soon as I figure out how to fix the problem!

As part of the organizing committee for Malaysia Night 2009, I’m sorry to say I may just be a leeetttle bit biased when writing this article. After all, when you’re there first-hand to witness how weeks of sleepless nights, endless rehearsals, meticulous planning and various diseases (yes, diseases!) boil down to this one special night, it’s more than a little difficult to not feel proud of it. I was, unfortunately, unable to actually watch Malaysia Night, having had to be onstage throughout almost the entire production, but what I can write about here is the thrilling experience of being part of the event. So here goes…  

Saturday, 12 September 2009

5.30pm After a full day of rehearsing and practicing, everyone was caught up in a frenzy of excitement when it was suddenly heard from somewhere outside that ‘There are GUESTS arriving! Guests!’, upon which we all hastened to get ready in double time. I personally hadn’t really felt that much of nerves up until that point, but when I was finally dressed up in my cheongsam (for emcee-ing) and was looking around watching everyone else get their make-up done, it finally hit me: IT’S TIME. Gulp.

6.00pm The crowd truly arrived in full force (Later, we found out that we actually sold 180+ tickets, more than our initial target of 160. Yay!), which is of course really good in retrospect, but at that point in time when I peeked out the curtains and saw how many people there were, I felt quite a bit of a shiver rush down my spine. I pointed this out to Edward (my co-emcee) and his only response was to walk away from the curtains and start repeating his script lines to himself, over and over and over again.

 6.15pm And so it began, with the grand entrance of the Hall Master, Associate Professor Dr. Ho Yew Kee and his family. All traces or nerves I initially had soon disappeared under the warm response of the crowd, and it was all smooth sailing from the singing of the Malaysian National Song ‘Negaraku’, to the speeches by the Hall Master and Kenneth (Malaysia Night Committee 2009 Chairman) to the officiation ceremony, which involved the Hall Master pasting on the ‘Enter’ key to this year’s logo, ‘Malaysia. my’.

The officiation ceremony…Enter!

We decided to start things off this year with our own rendition of ‘Here In My Home’, a song performed by multiple Malaysian artistes to showcase their love for Malaysia, as our essential underlying theme this year is Home, and how we treasure it. Given the very VERY diverse range of voices onstage, I was extremely relieved when it turned out sounding pretty good. More importantly though, were the messages of goodwill we had written beforehand and displayed for the audience whilst singing the song, which we hope served to convey our love for our country, no matter where we are.

Here In My Home

Then, of course, there was dinner. The chorus of ‘Food, Food, FOOD!’ from both the audience and backstage was a lot louder than initially expected. A LOT louder. I guess everyone must have been really, really hungry. Again, I am unable to comment on the food as I didn’t get to eat any of it, but I heard it was pretty good, and I do hope everyone was satisfied!
The Hall Master giving his speech

7.30pm While things must have seemed pretty quiet onstage from the audience’s point of view (especially as I’m sure everyone must have been much too busy queuing for food than paying attention to closed curtains), the actual fact was that the torrent of activity going on behind the scenes could only be described by one word: MAD. Everyone was changing and memorizing lines and touching up make-up, so much so that no one gave a second thought to food at all, as I later found out. Occasional peeks out the curtains saw things going well with the audience’s food (Note: THANK YOU SO MUCH to all the seniors who helped us out with the food! You guys rock!), but our personal sustenance was a very low priority on the list that day.
Seniors helping to dish out the food…you guys rock!

Sanity behind stage seemd to be at an all-time low too. 

Backstage madness!

8.00pm Showtime! The night’s performances were kicked off with a drama written by yours truly, telling the story about a young Malaysian girl named Julie who’s lived in the United States all her life. Bad financial circumstances result in her having to come back to Malaysia, where she initially feels lost, but is gradually reintroduced to the beauty and culture of her homeland by her childhood friend, Ramli. That’s the basic gist of the story, and it was really fun inserting the various cultural elements like the Malay, Chinese and Indian dances, as well as the market scenes into it. The whole point of the drama was to introduce Malaysian culture as a culture with not only aesthetic and entertainment value, but to try to portray a unity and flow between the different facets, and I do hope that this was brought across appropriately!

Airport scene, with Kenneth as Steven (Julie’s father), Kevin as Firdaus (Ramli’s brother), Suyi as Melanie (Julie’s mother) and me as Julie.

Kenneth and Elijah (as Aqbal, Ramli’s father), the two good ol’ dads

Scene at Ramli’s house, introducing Edward as Ramli and Jerusha as Aminah (Ramli’s mother).

The Malay Dancers

Jerusha bargaining with the watermelon tauke.

Shereen as the Indian pasar malam tauke, with Jerusha hard at work bargaining

Chinese Dancers again

Andy, the star of the Chinese Dance with some impressive pole moves.

The Indian dance

Nevertheless, I was incredibly proud of the entire cast, all of which very clearly put their best foot forward for the show. Even though my heart was pounding non-stop through the entire drama, I had a wonderful time as soon as I realized things were actually going very smoothly. The audience’s reaction was perfect every time, laughing at the right moments and noticing all the correct minute details. After the drama, we went straight into a fashion show, as part of a performance for the Malay wedding scene. Andy and Wen Yan looked simply adorable on the bersanding seats, all ready to get married! It seemed to me that although it involved the least acting or even moving, this scene had Andy the most nervous of all, even more so than the market scene!

Jerusha and Emma in Chinese costumes for the fashion show

Kevin and Suyi in impressive Kadazan outfits

Juin Shiong and Siew Wai in Bidayuh costumes

Kenneth and Chu Han decked in Malay costumes

The wedding couple, Andy and Wen Yan

9.00pm The drama ended on a high note, with Xing Ying’s pride and joy, the mass dance. Her long hours of choreographing and planning apparently did pay off really well, judging by the happy, amused faces I saw in the audience during the dance. Even our dear Hall Master was grinning ear to ear.

Lots of jumping up and down during the mass dance. Energy, I tell you, energy!

Just mere performances from us would not be enough for Malaysia Night 2009, so it was our pride and honour to invite our dear Malaysian seniors from Malaysia Night 2008 back onstage with us to perform last year’s theme song, Identiti along with us. It was just our small way of thanking them for all that they have done for us, for making us feel so welcome in KEVII Hall and really making us feel at home. It was a touching scene, and I do believe I caught a not-so-dry eye or two.

Make you feel teary-eyed yet?

Next up was the showcasing of the various talents in Malaysia Night 2009. We had Juin Shiong and Su Yi perform a beautiful song each on the piano, but I do believe that the crowd-stealer was their duet on Jay Chou’s Secret. Then out came Xing Ying and Kenneth to sing Gemilang, literally translated as Excellence, a song popularized by the first Malaysian Idol, Jaclyn Victor, which carries elements of striving to be the best one can be and being capable of achieving anything. (Note: I am to clarify that it was NOT a love song. Repeat, NOT a love song.)

Juin Shiong and Suyi on the piano

Xing Ying and Kenneth performing Gemilang

9.30pm So the night went on, with a hearty and hale games session. The game emcees were expecting to have to do quite a bit of work in pulling people onstage for the bamboo dance, air bandung and lompat tali (rope-skipping), but we were all pleasantly surprised when we had a surplus of volunteers! Watching from backstage, it was fun to see not only the volunteers get to have fun, but those watching from amongst the audience be highly amused as well. The air bandung game got a bit messy, with a few spills and contestants having to drink from punctured straws, but it was quite a hit nonetheless. The star of the lompat tali though, was Hui Ning, who proved herself quite the professional as she traversed height after height of rope effortlessly.

The real pro, Hui Ning, tackling the rope with style

All too soon, it was time for the lucky draw, and then a final round of mass dance. As we then went down from the stage to mingle with the crowd and say our thank-yous and good-byes, it was good to sense a general feeling of satisfaction and good feedback! Thank you everyone for coming and supporting this year’s Malaysia Night. We had a blast, and certainly hope you did too!

Friends from Britain, Prateek and Sam, showing us how much they love Malaysia!

Malaysia Night Organising Committee 2009. : Great job everyone!


《过客》—-King Edward VII Hall中文戏剧社倾情奉献

(Translated article will be up soon.)

by: 刘晨瑶

Chinese Drama 2008/09


伴随着那抹白色的身影隐入幕后,《过客》-KE VII中文戏剧年度大戏-在观众的惊叹,意犹未尽中,画上了华丽的句号。







值得一提的另一个吸引眼球的手法是戏中戏。在〈(3) 訪客〉及〈(5)劉董〉這兩段場景中,太劍一人在台上假想著自己是武俠小說中的大俠,自己自說地演出一個段落中的片段。這樣似真似假的「角色扮演」無形中已建構成一個戲中戲的模式。此外,最為明顯的段落莫過於〈(7)雙焦點舞台〉及〈(10)在森林中找尋自我〉。配上绝美的音乐和灯光效果,似假还真,欲说还休的氛围贯穿了整出戏,扣人心弦,欲罢不能。事实上,这就是赖声川所提及的“集体创作”的原貌及整体的运作模式,同时,更为剧场及表演下了很好的注解。

最后的独白无疑是剧情的升华,犹如August Strindberg’s A Dream Play的结局,角色一一舍去自己最重要,最珍贵的东西抑或负担,重新审视自我。呼应开场,仿若回忆着如梦似幻的相遇。然而,梦醒了,却仍百思,不得解。这样的再现不仅承袭了现代剧的表现风格,也加入了后现代的元素,而这也正是当时台湾戏剧流行的表现手法。




我们相信,一路走来,点点滴滴,都将铭刻在我们的记忆,烙印在观众的心上,成为King Edward VII Hall历史上永远的一笔。


Forum #5: Chinese Drama – Passer-By

Chinese Drama 2008/09

What Do You Think Of It?


KEVII Dinner & Dance! “In Your WILDEST Dreams”

(This post will be a sticky till DnD ends. Scroll down for the latest KE7News updates.)

Hey KEVIIans!

Dinner and Dance 2009 proudly presents to you the mega event of the year:

“In Your WILDEST Dreams”
14 March 2009, 7.00pm
Seletar Country Club
Ticket price: $35


It is a Fantasies and Nightmares theme which means anything goes! Come dressed as anyone from your favourite movie characters to toys to sea creatures or even getai! Come up with the best table theme and you might just win best dressed table!

Tickets are being sold from now till next week in the dining hall from 5.30-7.30pm – HURRY and GET THEM BEFORE MID TERM.

Brought to you by,
DnD 08/09


Love is in the Air! (and in your ears!)

KE A Cappella will be singing door to door upon request on every night 8 to 11pm from Wednesday (11th February) to Friday (13th February)!

Take this opportunity to Confess Your Love or Celebrate Friendship with each other! Each song will cost a token sum of $1.00.

There’ll be a booth set up in the dining hall this week so come down to support us and check out our song list! :)

– KE A Cappella


Chinese Drama: Passer-By

Come and support KEVII’s Chinese Drama!

Chinese Drama 2008/09


Contact Us

If you are looking to have us publish any content for you relating to hall matters in any of our publications, please email:- keviihall[at]
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