Archive for the 'Elections' Category


Interview with-Xu Nan

Written by Shi Yangyang

Edited by Mao Yinan

Special project——徐楠采访记

徐楠,新加坡国立大学大四工业系统工程(Industrial and system engineering)和business 双学位,于2011年当选为King Edward VII Hall 11/12 学年JCRC, 主要负责special project。平时为人平易近人,有抱负,有理想,今天我们就对他进行了采访。


问:作为一个学engineering的学生,当初为什么会选择King Edward VII Hall 呢?

答:说实话,当初想进KE是因为我听说KE的Chinese drama很好. 因为之前在JC的时候,当时我们学校是第一年办高中,我和几个志同道合的人一起做Chinese drama, 当时也算是有一点小成绩吧,我们的drama从初中的水平上升到了一个高中的水平。后来就一直很喜欢chinese drama, 很想继续做,于是便顺理成章地选择了KE。

问:那这几年在chinese drama 中做得怎么样?还开心么?

答:第一年进来的时候是做了《过客》的演员,第二年便自己做出品人,《我和我,他和她》,接下来每年都会去帮忙,现在在JCRC中也是做special project,时不时地也跟他们说点什么。在KE这几年,一直都很开心。这么多年了,也有了自己的一些朋友,也是很有感情的。希望大家越做越好!





答:去年选举的时候吧。当时和Eddie一起做KEWOC Eddie 邀请。刚开始的时候有点顾忌,因为毕竟已经大四了,会比较忙,但后来仔细想想,这学期只参加这一个活动,Eddie又是一个很有效率的人,所以应该没问题,所以就接受了。

问:为什么选择现在的职位?(special project( Hallplay, Chinese Drama)











答:新生进来的时候多了解下这个hall,  这个Hall有很多很有意思的文化。多投入,多付出。付出得多才会有那种激动的感觉。不要浪费自己能够进入Hall的机会。


答:官方来说手机做Chinese Drama, 《我和我,他和她》,但实际上我最满意的还是找到了一个很好的女朋友(满脸微笑,幸福),哈哈。


答:希望Hall 的production 能演出成功。期待大家可以享受这个过程,认识关系特别亲密的朋友。成就不是这么重要的。。。


54th JCRC Election Presidential Debate

Writer: Adrian Chia
Editor: Janice Fan
Photos by: Adrian Chia

54th JCRC Election Presidential Debate – 9.30-11.30pm

“I have never seen this kind of attendance for a rally before.” – Max Yam, a member of the 46th JCRC

KEVIIans turning up to hear what the presidential candidates have to say

It was only the second time that a Presidential Debate was held in KEVII Hall. While it might be easy to call the attendance “unprecendented” with only last year’s record to surpass, it is undeniable that the current election has generated unprecendented levels of interest and concern among all residents. Besides almost half the Hall, many Resident Fellows and the Hall Master who were present, many noteworthy members of the alumni were also spotted among the crowd. They include Terence Chua, the 50th JCRC President, Max and Kuan Siang, the ex-Publications Secretary.

Throughout the month, residents have been keenly following the progress of the election, in which Team A, comprising Mr. Ng Jun Kiat and Mr. Desmond Kwan, is pitted against Team B, comprising Mr. Lim Sien Long and Ms. Lim Fang Ming. The teams have gone all out to woo the residents, aggressively making use of various online platforms like Facebook and the Hall Blog to gain attention, as well as going door to door to meet the residents and “walk the grassroots”. Before their fate (the Hall’s as well) is decided this Thursday, they have taken their battle to this debate, facing off each other on various issues close to the hearts of many residents, at the same time trying to convince voters with their credentials and plans laid out for the Hall.

JK from Team A sharing his vision

Team B's Vice President giving her opening speech

It would not be difficult to spot the inherent differences that exist within each team. For one, the background they come from is strikingly different. Team A is made up of two long-time partners who have worked closely on many previous occasions; Team B seeks to synergise the strenghts of a highly experienced senior with those of a creative and enthusiastic freshman. Team A’s speeches were packed with firepower, radical ideas and its speakers oozed of confidence. Team B’s approach was that of calm and steadiness, with most ideas based on past experiences and improving the existing system. Team A’s proposed cabinet is made up almost entirely of freshmen, while Team B’s members consist of a mix of freshmen and seniors. And the list goes on. While they differ very much in the above terms, surprisingly there were significant overlaps in the plans they have. Perhaps, as Fenix mentioned, not much can be distinguished between the teams’ policies, but it is the leaders’ qualities that matters now.

When asked about their own strengths and weaknesses during the Q&A session, Jun Kiat mentioned his tendency to over-commit as his weakness while being decisive is his strength. Desmond, on the other hand, said he did not know much about the Hall because he only came into Hall via the waiting list. He is however, active in his faculty club and has a diversity of skills. Sien Long was being honest in saying that he is not a strong public speaker, but his strengths lie in the way he does things: he always commits his best in whatever he does, and he takes pain to understand people’s concerns and feelings. His running-mate, Fang Ming, despite claiming herself to be impulsive at times, is open-minded and not bounded by traditions. She hopes to bring enthusiasm and fresh ideas to the Hall.

the 53rd JCRC President posing the first question :P

On the issue of bringing up the sports scene in KEVII Hall, which is certainly one of the biggest issues facing the next JCRC, both teams agreed on the point that talented alumni play a key role – they can be encouraged to serve as coaches. However, they differed in the ways of actually attracting and convincing alumni members to take up that role. Both teams also cross-fired over issues such as how best to support the cultural groups in Hall, ensuring continuity in the CCAs, how best to help residents cope with the hike in accommodation fee, how to make residents who only “eat, sleep, study” to start contributing to Hall, and even on the definition of being a “KEVIIan”. Numerous interesting proposals were raised, which captivated the audience’s imagination for a better KEVII Hall in the future. The question after Thursday would then be: will the winning team really walk the talk after getting into office?

Ultimately, Terence offered the best advice for the night – “Be a leader for the residents”, to a resounding round of cheers and applause from everyone present. Indeed, the Hall is facing many big challenges at this juncture. Whoever voted into office cannot expect an easy job, especially when their performances will be closely scrutinised by all residents and the SCRC. How KEVII Hall will be like in a few years time might very well depend on the choices we make over the next two days. Wishing both teams all the very best!

we are KEVIIans afterall! :)

Sound bites:
Sien Long – “Thank you all KEVIIans, especially to the seniors who have taught me a lot.”
Fang Ming – “We will stand by what we say. Follow the KEVIIans’ way.”

Jun Kiat – “A Hall less divided, more united.”
Desmond – “Vote for us because we WILL.”

Editor’s note:
(1) Emphasis added to make the article an easier read for KEVIIans.
(2) We apologise for the photos which do not adequately cover the event; we will update the Hall Blog with photos from KE Vision ASAP :)

KEVII 54th JCRC Presidential Election Voting here:


interview with the 53rd jcrc president – qing song!

Writer: Adrian Chia
Editor: Ong Qing Liang

It has been almost a year since he was voted into office. While he might not always be the loudest, most conspicuous and illustrious individual in Hall, whenever KEVII Hall needed a problem solver, a mediator or simply a leader in various situations, he was there for all of us. In line with the run-up to the 54th JCRC Presidential Elections, KE Press presents an exclusive interview with Qing Song, the 53rd JCRC President, where he shares with us some of his experiences, thoughts and insights.

the JCRC president

How has your experience been after being in office for almost a year?

It has been tiring, but very interesting and exciting! Over the past year, the JCRC has been planning a lot of things for the Hall for the long term. For example, this year we started the Cheerleading team – our considerations were not only for this year. We also want to see in the long term how we can expect this CCA to contribute to the Hall.

Another initiative would be the inaugural Graduation Ceremony, which we hope can be continued in the coming years and help build up our alumni relationship.

You mentioned that it can be tiring at times. Can you share with us some of the difficulties you faced along the way?

I think the most difficult part was to find Hall leaders. The recruitment process started last year before the AGM, but the JCRC only managed to fill all the positions in the middle of the first semester. In the second semester, we started looking for leaders for the Holiday Committees. However, everyone seemed tired after the slew of activities in Semester 2 and thus the sign up rate was not very active. I think finding the right personnel is one of my most critical responsibilities.

So far how’s the progress like for the Holiday Committees?

This year, the Holiday Committees are going to make very big changes. The whole structure will be changed – we will be promoting ROCKE as one committee. The good news is, we have found all the leaders now!

All the best to the leaders of ROCKE! Besides finding Hall leaders, what other difficulties did you face?

Hmm maybe finance? By tradition, every year JCRC will eat into next year’s budget, but this year, Hall Master said he would not allow this again. So actually we had very little budget to run hall activities this year. For many events like Chinese Drama and Hallplay, we had to cut their budgets. There were other committees which came up with good plans, but because of the lack of funding, they had to take on the extra workload of sourcing for their own funding.

Other than that, any other particularly challenging problems?

I think those two were the major ones. From the Office of Student Affairs side, there are going to be some big changes in the future, and we have to continuously fight for the best interests of our Hall.

Being in your position is really not easy. Throughout your term, what was your proudest moment as the President of this Hall?

It should be during the Orientation’s Initiation Night, the one when I splashed water bombs over every new KEVIIan. That night, one could really see passion which some people have for this Hall, and then you think you would be leading this group of people – it was a really exciting moment. I felt really proud of the freshmen, especially for their enthusiasm.

his proudest moment

Ok, the next question might be a bit sensitive. In your opinion, how do you think you have fared as the JCRC President? Do you think you have met the expectations of the residents who voted you into office? In general, how do you think you have performed?

If you really want a numerical score, I think I will give myself 8 out of 10. Firstly, I think I have a really capable and supportive team. We really sought to improve the Hall for the long term. This year we put a lot of effort into cultivating alumni relationship. For example, this year is the first year we are having the Graduation Ceremony. Through my experience in JCRC this year, I find alumni relationship to be a big problem for KEVII Hall. Compared to other Halls we have quite a weak alumni, when actually many of our alumni are rich people – they are doctors! (The interviewer felt stressed at this moment…) If you have strong alumni, you have all kinds of support, especially money, and with money you can get a lot of things solved. I think it is really significant to improve alumni relationship, but this is only the start.

We also helped graduating seniors get testimonials from Hall Master and organised an Interview Workshop for them recently. Our effort may not show its effect in one or two years, but in the long term we really hope to strengthen our Hall’s alumni relations.

Also, we are restructuring ROCKE this year. This year, Rag & Flag will be a really big event because it will be part of YOG, so we want to take this opportunity to strengthen ROCKE as a committee. In the previous years ROCKE has been disorganized, with the three committees under it working independently. But this year, we want to bring them together. We will also be setting up supporting units like the publicity and marketing teams, which will serve both Float and KEWOC.

One more thing, the university is changing the Hall CCA system in the near future. The plan we are pushing for is: in a year or two, Halls will have the full freedom to choose their own residents. There will be no more RHAPS system from OSA. The halls will be autonomous in selecting their residents.

WOW, that sounds like something really great. No more RHAPS?!

Personally I feel that currently the CCAs give too much pressure upon the residents. That was why we came up with this plan. We have three objectives: firstly, every Hall wants to build our own unique culture, so we want more freedom from OSA; we also felt that joining CCAs should be purely based on interest and passion, and not garnering points to secure housing needs; thirdly, we felt that CCAs are too stressful to many residents, to the extent of badly affecting their academic life. We hope the residents can be released from this pressure. So far we think the new system can meet all three objectives.

Another big project over the year is regarding the hike in Hall fees. We tried to stop the hike because everyone wants affordable accommodation, especially with the current economic situation. We bargained with OSA, but the university management is insistent about it. So we changed direction and worked on the bursary. Now there is this bursary but only very few people get it each year. We have proposed to Hall Master to increase the bursary and he has agreed. The question now is: how can we find resources for this bursary?

Which probably links closely with your plan to improve alumni relationship?

Yes. This year we might only be able to get the plan out. It would depend on the next JCRC to continue the work.

Ok, that’s really quite a few things that kept you busy. Now assume you have a crystal ball, how do you think KEVII Hall will be like in a few years’ time?

I hope KEVII Hall will have stronger bonding and alumni relationship. Every time there is an event, there will be a lot people who turn up. Like our DnD, we can have two or three table reserved for the alumni. When we need their contribution for the bursary, then hopefully we can get help from them. Actually for some CCAs like XQRJ, Chinese Drama and HallPlay, they can also get some alumni to come back and help.

I hope in future there will be a big fund to support residents with financial problems, as the hall fees are expected to hike, in three stages, to a very very high amount, more than a hundred dollars a week. So I hope this fund can grow bigger and bigger to help the more needy KEVIIans.

From your perspective as the President, besides alumni relations, how is KEVII Hall different from other Halls? What is our greatest strength / weakness?

I would say our greatest strength lies in our cultural productions. Our Hall has 3 major productions a year, Hallplay, XQRJ and Chinese Drama. Xin Yao also qualifies as another major one because of their very high workload. We also take part in combined-Hall productions like Amplitude and Rockfest. Most other Halls only have one production a year. The sheer number of successful productions we put up shows our strength in cultural productions.

Weakness wise…I think that would be our sports. This year, very unfortunately, we lost some games which we were expected to win. Next year, we will definitely have a better result!

One of the most significant differences between our Hall and the rest – KEVII residents have the highest average CAP, which means we can manage our CCAs and our studies, which is very good! Besides that, KEVII Hall is very family-like. We care about everyone in this Hall, no matter which country or faculty you are from.

tears of joy for the winning KE float

The next question is regarding your JCRC. How has it been like working with your team?

Very interesting. I only knew Chun Keat (Vice-President) during the election. After the election, I started finding my team. I tried to find the best person for each position. As a result, most of my members are from very different backgrounds. I admit I didn’t know most of them beforehand and there was some risk involved. However, I must say, all of them proved to be excellent individuals who did their job well beyond expectations.

The 53rd JCRC has already worked together for close to a year. Any interesting / happening things going on?

We have had several outings. We planned to have an outing to Kukup Island, Malaysia, but my application for a Malaysian visa got rejected. I’m still confused over why I got rejected. Haha, but I am sure we are going for a trip after we step down.

We are also quite bad in keeping the JCRC room tidy, as we keep bringing more and more things into the room. We had to resort to making cleaning the room the first agenda of every meeting. But after one week, the room will be in a mess again.

Another interesting thing is 7 out of 9 of us are Student Assistants. When on duty, some of them will sleep in the JCRC room. Sometimes when I come early for work, I won’t notice them until someone jumps up from my back and gives me a scare!

A few days ago when I was talking to my team, I realized that the best decision in my three years of university life so far is to join JCRC. It was a process of self discovery and I got to know some really good people like Geri, Kok Pun and Chun Keat. This team is really bonded and after we step down, I’m sure we will still have dinner and go for outings together. I hope that many years down the road, when we come back for DND, we will still reserve one table for the 53rd JCRC!

a more relaxed side of qing song!

What was the biggest sacrifice you made since you became the President?

That would have to be my studies. My CAP has been going down a bit, but I learnt a lot of new skills and got to know a lot of new friends by being President.

What are your plans after you step down?

I will join swimming, and I will join back XinYao as a normal member so that I can write my own songs! When I think back about my previous 3 years, I always felt pressured to join CCAs. In my last year here, I just want to do CCAs which I enjoy without having to worry about admin work!

But if next year’s JCRC asks me for advice, I will still welcome them and guide them of course. :)

Any parting words for all residents?

Hmm… I think it is a really a good experience to live in KE. For those people who really love KE, after we graduate KE will still be a home for us and do always come back. I wish KEVII Hall a bright future!



Suggestions for the Upcoming 54th JCRC

Please share your views on our Hall Forum (partially under construction) here:

You will need to create an account before posting :)


the 54th JCRC: Who Will It Be?

In view of the flaws of the poll, the poll has been closed by Elections Committee. Thank you for the votes so far and may we suggest that you visit the Hall Forum to share your views :)  Remember to come down on Tuesday 9pm for the Rally Day!

This poll is brought to you by Elections Committee.

Disclaimer: Due to the limitations imposed by the poll provider, this poll has its flaws. The results may not be representative of the actual situation due to the possibility of repeat votes despite best efforts. If you have any suggestions for a better poll system to be included on the Hall Blog, feel free to comment on this blog post. Thank you.


JCRC Election, Special Announcement


Presidential Election AY2009/2010
Nomination Period Extended to 26th  March(Friday) 23:59

For further enquiries, please contact Election Committee Head,
Liu Jianpu at or 98749148.

3 Essay answering the Qn – President (Template for you)

PE-1st nomination form with questions 0910

PE-1st Nomination Form 0910 copy

PE-Important timeline 2010(updated)


The 54th JCRC: Nomination Forms & Election Timeline

PE-1st Nomination Form 0910

PE-1st nomination form with questions 0910

PE-Comm members

PE-Important timeline 2010

PE-Pre-nomination announcement (email)




23/02/2010 (Tuesday)

Nomination Day 1

starts 00:01

05/03/2010 (Friday)

Nomination Day 11

ends 23:59

15/03/2010 (Monday)

Presidental Debate 1

17:30 – 20:00

16/03/2010 (Tuesday)

Presidental Debate 2

20:00 – 22:00

22/03/2010 (Monday)

Online Voting

00:01 – 23:59



Polling Day

-walk in voting

17:30 – 20:00

Result announcement

by 23:59

ends 23:59


The 53rd JCRC Presidential Elections: QING SONG IS PRESIDENT-ELECT!

Writer: Adrian Chia

Chun Keat and Qing Song

Chun Keat and Qing Song

Qing Song and Lee Chun Keat have been elected the King Edward VII Hall 53rd Junior Common Room Committee (JCRC) President and Vice-President respectively. They garnered 145 votes, winning by a margin of 23 votes. Total number of valid votes was 267 while there were 23 void votes, adding up to a total of 290 votes. Online votes: 69 for Qing Song & Chun Keat, 56 for Wee Lee & Gwendolyn.

The election saw Goh Wee Lee and Gwendolyn Wong pitted against Qing Song and Lee Chun Keat. It was a close match throughout the campaigning period as both teams tried their best to woo voters from all quarters of the Hall residents.

After an exciting campaigning period and a gruelling debate that saw the two teams faced off on various issues related to Hall, it was finally the defining moment for all the candidates as well as all KE residents. The polling process began on 19 March 2009 (Thursday) at 12am, when eligible voters could start voting online. The online voting closed on the same day at 11.59pm. Polling continued on 20 March 2009 (Friday) between 5.30pm and 8pm, when voters who have yet to cast their votes could walk into dining hall and vote. Election Committee Officers were present all the time to ensure the process went on smoothly.

Polling Day

Polling Day

The vote counting process started at 10pm. Under the scrutiny of validators, the Election Committee Officers counted the voting slips. Right from the beginning, both teams fought neck to neck on the tally as the lead kept changing hands. Towards the end, Qing Song and Chun Keat managed to pull away slightly and when the computer votes were added in, their lead expanded to 23 votes. The official result was released at 10.30pm with Qing Song and Chun Keat declared to be the winners.

Opening the voting boxes

Opening the voting boxes

Vote counting

Vote counting

All those who were present to witness the defining moment

All those who were present to witness the defining moment

A sample of an invalid vote

A sample of an invalid vote



Tied at 57-57

Tied at 57-57

Huey Shin announcing the final result

Huey Shin announcing the final result

The election was called after the new constitution was passed on 3 March 2009 (Tuesday). One of the major changes made was the President and Vice-President are to be elected on a joint ticket. The President holds the prerogative to appoint the remaining members of the JCRC. It was a deviation from the past when all positions of the JCRC were contested separately. The details of the changes made to the constitution could be viewed here.

Election Committee 08/09

Election Committee 08/09

The voices of KE residents have been heard. Now, may the team entrusted with the hope and expectation of all KEVIIans lead the Hall towards greater heights!

* * * * *

Excerpts of a short interview with Qing Song and Chun Keat right after the polling result was announced:

Me: Congratulations for winning the the election! So how do you feel now?

Qing Song: It’s hard to express our feelings now, it’s not easily descibable with words. We will try our best to gain support from the Hall residents and we will do our best for Hall!

Me: How do you think you can be a good President?

Qing Song: I am willing to serve and I have the passion. I don’t want to disappoint KE Hall. I will work closely with all the Hall Leaders and the SCRC, and get into contact with the residents in Hall.
Chun Keat: Of course we are also willing to learn. Now we got more questions for Aik Leong!

Me: Can we know more about your potential JCRC team?

Chun Keat: Haha, we can’t reveal much now. But what I can tell you is this: as Qing Song is a Chinese, and I am a Malaysian, we will recruit more Singaporeans within the team to maintain a good balance.

Me: How do you find the new election format and the debate?

Qing Song: I find it much better than the old system. As election is now held in the second semester, we can get to know people better and have more time to prepare and to learn. The debate was quite tiring though, but the preparation process certainly helped us in understanding the Hall better. We can also learn from the strengths of the other team.

Me: Anything that you want to tell all Keviians?

Qing Song, Chun Keat: Let’s work for KE together!!


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