
HallPlay Supper 0910

Writer: Adrian Chia

Photos: Adrian Chia, Kelvin Anggara

“OMG, HallPlay is having its first meeting tonight? What’ll the meeting be about? Work? Can’t you see I already have work up to my neck as it is! Oh? It’s not a meeting but a supper?! OMG, yes yes I will definitely be there! See ya!”

What better way could there be to start work than having a sumptuous supper treat? HallPlay 0910 certainly believes that good food comes before work! Instead of playing overused games to break the ice between its new members, the committee felt that new friendships could be better struck when everyone’s hunger was satisfied. Well, it certainly did not take long before lively chatting and bursts of laughter started coming from all corners of the Dining Hall!

Nicholas, the Producer, started the night’s programmes by giving a rousing speech. Aside from welcoming everyone into the HallPlay family, he also took the opportunity to share his aspirations and expectations for the committee this year. The Steering Committee was then introduced to all, followed by the induction of the various departments. Up next was the Director, Collin and he was there for a very important mission :to answer a question that everyone has been asking – what is this year’s play all about? He certainly did a great job in outlining the play and sending everyone’s imagination wild for a moment. Unfortunately to avoid any spoilers, the author of this article apologises for being unable to disclose further details about the play, but would instead strongly encourage everyone to purchase a ticket to show your support for the production! *Disclaimer: this is an advertisement =P*



Alright, back to the supper. HallPlay members were a hungry lot, because as soon as the cue was given, a long, snaking queue was quickly formed in front of the serving table. Food was snapped up with alarming efficiency, but the satisfied smiles on everyone’s face certainly justified the committee’s hefty investment in the supper. As the feast came to an end, everyone left with more than just a filled stomach. A new sense of mission had been instilled in them, as well the sense that they were about to embark on a mega-project that would see them slog, sweat and strive hard for the coming months, culminating in the final two nights of production, which holds the promise to be one of the most awesome memories of their time in KE Hall.

All the best to HallPlay 0910!

The Food! Yummy!

The Food! Yummy!


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1 Response to “HallPlay Supper 0910”

  1. 1 Chun Keat
    September 14, 2009 at 5:02 PM

    Miss Hallplay so much.

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